I checked in on Jon the other day and I found him right where we’d buried him. He was pushing up a daisy. Just one. Read more.
Jon died unexpectedly at the age of 79. I thought we'd have many more years together. We won't.
Widowed: The One Good Thing About Grief
The one good thing about grief is — there’s not a darned thing you can do about it. Someone has died, and that’s that. Read more.
A Leap Year Leap: She Asked. He Said Yes.
Widowed: Jon and I had been dating for several years. No marriage proposal was coming my way. But a Leap Day was. Read more.
Widowed: He’s Still Not Back and It’s Been Three Years
Where is Jon? I’ve been widowed three years and I’m still expecting him to come back. It’s not possible that he is gone for good, snuffed out. Read more.
Widowed: The Things My Husband Wanted. (Or, We Are What We Want)
I feel the sharpest grief when I picture my husband alive and wanting something, planning something — picking out artichokes for dinner, making a grandchild laugh. Read more.
Nature Giveth and Nature Taketh Away
Against all odds, a flowering fruit tree took root in the wild canyon below our house, but not for long. Nature giveth, nature taketh away. Read more.
Am I Still Old? Or Am I Elderly Now?
Head-spinning vertigo had me stumbling around the house like an old lady. I had to wonder, am I still just old? Or have I moved on to being elderly? Read more.