Christina had shaved her head bald. What was next? Multiple nose rings? Twelve-inch fingernails? Scarification? Crack cocaine? Read more.
My Ever-Changing Family
Our family shrinks and grows. People die. People get born. People get mad and won't talk to you for a while. Kids grow up and find partners of their own, and pretty soon there are brand-new in-laws. And a grandchild or two.
Mom With Kids — The Home Office Blues
I liked being shoehorned into a 9-by-11-foot home office with three computers, a telephone, a cat, and a dear husband — most of the time. Read more.
The Center of the Universe Lives at Our House
Children run the world. And everyone who’s ever had a kid knows it. Read more.
Our No TV Week — The Kids Survived, but Did I?
What would happen, I wondered, if our family had no TV for a week. Who would complain the most? Read more.
The Day Our Son Didn’t Drown — Family Stories
Family stories: Four-year-old Peter’s body was limp. His eyes stared blankly into the Florida sky. We’d been swimming in a pool designed for adults. Read more.
Mason County, Michigan — My One-Woman Road Trip Takes Me to Falconer Country
A visit to Falconer country — Mason county — was a must-do stop on my one-woman road trip up and down and across Michigan. A cousin showed me around the old family farms. Read more.
Wedding Wear: The Aunt Wore Black
This wedding called for a festive evening dress with panache and color and sparkle. And skin. Lots of it. Arms. Legs. And, what the heck, décolletage. Read more.