A visit to Falconer country — Mason county — was a must-do stop on my one-woman road trip up and down and across Michigan. A cousin showed me around the old family farms. Read more.
Wrestling With God on the Shores of Lake Michigan
At last a chance to read from “Wrestling with God” at the Pentwater, Michigan library. My idea of a good time. Read More
Wedding Wear: The Aunt Wore Black
This wedding called for a festive evening dress with panache and color and sparkle. And skin. Lots of it. Arms. Legs. And, what the heck, décolletage. Read more.
Inside Pentwater’s Antler Bar — A Beer Too Many
I went inside the Antler Bar in Pentwater, Michigan, and there I had one too many. Read more.
My One-Woman Road Trip Begins — Grosse Pointe to Pentwater
I jumped on a plane to Detroit the other day, rented a car, and took off for a twelve-day, one-woman road trip up and down and across my home state. Read more.
The Politics of Housework, Revisited
As a feminist conversant with the politics of housework, I tried not to be too preoccupied with clean. Then I learned I was allergic to the dustballs under my marital bed. Read more.
I Love Pope Francis — Or Do I?
My honeymoon with Catholicism’s newest pope is over. I’m done with getting all goosebumpy over Pope Francis and the tone he’s setting for his church. Read more.