Those ugly blood-red snapdragons are gone from our front yard. I pulled them out, and my rock garden is the better for it.
GodsBigBlog: Will Obama Meet with Muslims This Weekend?
The Islamic Society of North America will meet in D.C., over the Fourth of July weekend. Spekers include Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and noted Islam scholar Hamsa Yusuf. And possibly President Obama.
GodsBigBlog: Hindus in America
Want to know more about Hinduism in America? Check out the Hindu American Foundation website — Obama’s Cairo oversight, America’s National Day of Prayer, Hindus and Jews meet.
A Case of the Human Condition: I Did It — I Offed Those Frightful Snapdragons
I yanked those ugly maroon snapdragons out by the roots. My front yard color scheme has been restored, and all is right with the world.
A Case of the Human Condition: I Want to Kill My Snapdragons
Those maroon snapdragons in my front yard are ugly. But they’re alive. Can I rip them out? Read more.
Book Openers: Barack Obama — How He Got So Smart
Barack Obama was a president who could think. His memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” explains how Obama got so smart. Read more.
The Rhetorician in the White House — Or, How I Learned to Love the Passive Voice
The passive sentence gets a bad rap — it’s weak, it’s vague, it’s passive. But sometimes a neatly turned passive sentence is just what our ever-shrinking world needs. Obama’s Cairo speech is an example. Read more.