For once I was the interviewee and someone else was doing the hard work of conducting the interview. A newspaper reporter was asking my about my new book, “Wrestling with God.” Read more.
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Coleman Barks and Rumi — What a Few Lines of Poetry (and a Witch) Taught me
I’d always imagined Coleman Barks to be a stern scholarly type — till I emailed him for permission to use a few lines from his Rumi translations in my book. Read more.
Telephoning Those Teenage Babysitters — Rejected Again
What did teenage boys and moms in need of a babysitter have in common back in the day? They had to call up teenage girls. Read more.
What If You Threw a Book Launch — And Everybody Came?
Was anyone going to show up? My author event Book Passage would start soon, and there were dozens of very empty chairs, waiting to be filled. Read more.
Another Bunch of Bouquets to Art 2015
I found more photos from last week’s Bouquets to Art show at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco. So . . . here’s another bunch of bouquets. See more.
The Best Things in Life . . . Have Been There Since High School
My niece had died. My mind scrambled for a way to face this loss. It found comfort in a surprisingly simple place: a visit from a high school friend. Read more.
A Cemetery Comes to LIfe — With Tulips
By now my faithful readers know that I’ve got a thing about tulips. So, of course, I dropped everything to take in a local tulip show last weekend. Read more.