I’m widowed. He’s gone, and now so is his barbecue. They are just things, I tell myself. They aren’t Jon. And decluttering is a good thing. The kids like it when I get rid of stuff. Read more.
Jon died unexpectedly at the age of 79. I thought we'd have many more years together. We won't.
Widowed: Did My Husband Know I Loved Him?
We were not gushy, Jon and I, and that was fine with me. Widowed now, I’ve been wondering, was I too stingy with my affections? Did my husband know I loved him? Read more.
Am I an Artist? Or Am I a Brand?
What kind of writer am I anyway? When I sit down to the keyboard, is it to write something beautiful — or something that will sell? Am I an artist? Or am I a brand? Read more.
Widowed: My Husband’s Stuff Is Still Here. I’ve Got My Reasons
Marriage is mostly about presence, about being there. Jon’s not here anymore. But his belongings are. Read more.
Widowed: Some Thoughts Before Election Day — From Jon
Thoughts before election day: My husband’s 2010 opinion piece on the Pledge of Allegiance assumed a social trust that’s since gone missing in America. Read more.
I’m 83 and I’m Dumping My Bucket List
Sometime between the pandemic and my husband’s death I began dumping out the contents of my travel bucket list. Read more.
Three Photos That Bring My Husband Back to Life. And One That Doesn’t
Now and then I come across a photo that brings my husband back to life, and for one sweet moment, Jon is there in all his ineffable Jon-ness. Read more.