Sibling loyalty. Sometimes it means you can ignore your writing deadline and have a fun visit with your brother who just had knee surgery. Read more.
My Ever-Changing Family
Our family shrinks and grows. People die. People get born. People get mad and won't talk to you for a while. Kids grow up and find partners of their own, and pretty soon there are brand-new in-laws. And a grandchild or two.
A Name for Grandma
What’s a good name for a grandma? No cute nicknames for me. If I was to be a grandmother, I wanted the time-honored title that goes with it. Read more.
Grief — Love With No Place to Go
Grief changes from day to day. For me right now, without my husband alongside me, grief is love with no place to go. Read more.
Father’s Day vs. Mother’s Day — And Today’s Liberated Dads
Father’s Day vs. Mother’s Day? With today’s young men doing more and more of the parenting, why not celebrate fathers as heartily as we do mothers? Read more.
Women — Can They Have It All?
Women — can they have it all? Can a woman have the child and her dreams of a career? I say, yes, she can. Go for it! Read more.
‘Tears of the Kingdom’ Alert: How a 1980s Nintendo Mom Lost Her Cool
Attention “Tears of the Kingdom” moms: A first-generation Nintendo mom confesses to unplugging her son’s Legend of Zelda game back in 1989. Read more.
My Husband’s Name or Mine? I Need Them Both
My husband’s name or mine? I need them both — the name I was born with and the one I took the day I married. Read more.