Do we really want to dispense with government regulations that prevent disasters — like the Ghost Ship warehouse fire that killed 36? Read more.
My Ever-Changing Family
Our family shrinks and grows. People die. People get born. People get mad and won't talk to you for a while. Kids grow up and find partners of their own, and pretty soon there are brand-new in-laws. And a grandchild or two.
Autumn in the Garden, When Sensible Plants Pack It In for the Winter . . . And a Healing Ankle
It was autumn in the garden and all the grim stuff that happens as winter sets in — death, rot, shrivel and retreat — made for a thing of beauty. Read more.
Wisdom From My Father — Or, How to Sweep the Kitchen Floor
“Think about what you are doing,” my father told me. “Use your head.” His advice still applies in a 21st-century world neither of us could have imagined. Read more.
Something Old — Ten Ideas, Old and New, From a Mother of the Bride
As a mother of the bride whose past reaches deep into the 20th century, I’ve got lots of ideas for my daughter’s wedding day “something old.” Read more.
Fifteen Patriotic Holiday Gifts for the Worried Progressives on Your List
I’m giving patriotic holiday gifts this year — donations to groups that can help keep our country sane during the stormy Trump years ahead. Read more.
Christmas Is Big. Bigger Than Christianity — And Donald Trump
Christmas is big. Christianity’s biggest holiday is leaving the religion in the dust with 15 times the Internet mentions of Christianity. Read more.
One Broken Ankle, and Two Lives Grind to a Halt. Or, Why You Should Definitely Stop and Tie That Loose Shoelace
I’m doing my wifey thing. My husband has a broken ankle and I’m taking care of him. That means I’m exhausted. And grumpy. Read more.