A report on religion in public affairs from the Pew Research Center says religion is losing influence in American life. It also found that 50 percent of Americans finds homosexulity sinful — and 52 percent support same-sex marriage. Read more.
Journalists Killed in the Line of Duty: Foley, Sotloff Joined by Dozens Each Year
James Foley and Steven Sotloff are just two of the 50 journalists killed world-wide in the line of duty so far this year. Read more.
A Footwear Meditation–Chic Feet and Stylish Legs on the Go at SFO
A parade of fashionable traveling feet transformed itself into a meditation on the passage of time as I waited for a flight out of SFO last month. Read more.
Tudor Bungalows in the Twin Cities—Little Houses With a Big Sense of Humor
Can a house have a sense of humor? I never gave it thought until I visited Minneapolis and was treated to street after street of droll Tudor bungalows. Read more.
Point-and-Shoot Heaven: Photographing a Flower Garden Just Before Dusk
A little rain, a little dirt, a little sun, some red wiggler worms, and a few kitchen scraps and you’ve got yourself a flower garden. My Minnesota gardener friend makes it look that easy. Read more and see some photos.
Writers Need Editors – And Mine Wants My Manuscript Turned In, Now
It’s time to put the final tweaks and edits on my book manuscript so that my editor can send it off to be formatted – and published. It’s been years since I started work on “Wrestling with God.” I’ve written draft after draft and tried format after format. I’ve been wrestling with that manuscript and what I want this book to be as fiercely as I’ve been wrestling with God and who that might be. Read more.
At the Hallmark Store — Teary-Eyed in the Sympathy Card Section
I keep a stash of greeting cards in my desk — birthday and anniversary cards to send to sisters-in-law, brothers, nephews and nieces as the dates come up. But that’s not what I needed on a recent afternoon. I needed sympathy cards. Two of them. Read more.