The upstairs bath redo is underway. At last. The rough-in plumbing went in this week, followed by the rough-in electrical.
They call this work rough — maybe that’s because it’s destined to be hidden away out of sight behind slabs of sheet rock.
In time, the plumber and the electrician will come back to install the shiny stuff — the chrome faucets, the lighted make-up mirror — and the rough stuff will be forgotten.
And that’s too bad — because, if you look closely, all those roughed-in pipes and wires are a sight to see.
You can see the plumber’s mind at work in the copper pipe, in its turns and runs and soldered joints. You can see the electrician’s intent in his swaths of wire and tidy splices nestled in their junction boxes.
I’m putting together photos of all this action. And when I get ready to leave the house, I’ll hand them over to the new owner so they’ll know they’ve bought a thing of beauty.
More home improvement projects at “Yay. Our Garden Remodel Is Done. Come Take a Walk.” Also “Five Things I Like Best About My Kitchen.”

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