That Covid Arm Thing. Sheltering at Home Week 48
Good news — I’m hoping.
I’ve got a big red welt on my left arm, right below where I got my Moderna vaccine on January 22.
It showed up ten days after I got the shot.
At first, I thought it was a spider bite. We are a spider friendly household. Spoiders all over the place. They run across bed pillows and bathtubs. We do not kill spiders. We capture them in a cup and drop them outdoors.
But this welt was a biggy. Too big for a spider bite. It itched. It was hot. It was sore. And I didn’t feel all that great.
I got worried. Was my vaccination infected? Was this cellulitis?
Call the Doctor
I sent a photo to my doctor.
He left a message with my daughter, who was visiting from LA.
Not to worry, the doctor told Christina. It’s just a reaction to the Moderna vaccine.
“Did he say allergic reaction? Or immune reaction?” I wanted to know.
“He didn’t say.”
I went on line.
Covid Arm is a Thing
Apparently, Covid arm is a thing. Lots of people who got the Moderna vaccine are getting it. We are a trendy group.
Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure whether it’s an immune reaction, which would signal — yea! — that the body is gearing up to fight off the virus. Or whether it’s just an annoying reaction to an ingredient in the Moderna vaccine.
I’m an optimist. It took ten days for this reaction to show up. It doesn’t sound like an allergy. I’m going with immune reaction.
Which means, if the SARS-CoV-2 virus comes my way, my body is ready.
More to read at “How a Mother of Preschool Kids Outsmarted the Mighty Microbe — Pre-Covid.” Also at “Superbowl — My Guys Are Talking Sports and All Is Right With the World.”

My friends and relatives here in Michigan have all gotten the Pfizer vaccine. No one I know had had a reaction beyond a bit of soreness in their arm.
I am surprised that it took so long for the reaction. Rich and I got the Pfizer vaccine with no reaction. Perhaps the second shot will lead to a larger reaction.
Trudy and Ann, I’ve been reading up — apparently most people who get this reaction don’t get it for a week or so. And it’s pretty much limited to the Moderna vaccine. Yes. We all have to be prepared for feeling not so good with the second shot.
Oh. Something to look forward to. My Moderna # 1 didn’t react. I heard #2 is the reaction one. Mine’s in 2 weeks.
Our next shot is on Friday. Hmmm. Better stock up on acetaminophen.
Hi Barbara-
I got Covid arm too! It appeared about 8-9 days after (Moderna) vaccination. It was small at first but then grew and was hot, itchy and red and looked just like yours. I checked internet and decided it was the Vaccine “kicking in”. It seems to be fading and subsiding now. I hope it is totally gone before I get #2, two weeks from today.
We are right on trend!