Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, in September. Photo by Barbara Newhall
By Barbara Falconer Newhall
A riverflow . . . that’s how author Phil Cousineau describes my book Wrestling withGod: Stories of Doubt and Faith.
And that’s exactly how it felt to be caught up in the stream of radically diverse life stories I was privy to in the course of researching Wrestling with God. A fundamentalist Christian. A progressive Muslim. A Hindu classical dancer. A Buddhist monk.
Phil Cousineau was kind enough to write a pre-publication endorsement for my book. Here’s what he had to say:
Author and host of “Global Spirit” Phil Cousineau. Photo by Barbara Newhall
The search for God, or the gods, the Divine, the Great Spirit, is one of the oldest of quests. As timeless as it is, the search still tends to defy explanation. What is left is description, narrative, and story, all of which are in abundance in Barbara Falconer Newhall’s riverflow of a book, Wrestling with God.
Seekers of all persuasions will feel represented here, from priests, ministers, and rabbis to engineers, physicists, and avowed non-believers. Taken together, the storytellers of Wrestling with God give voice to the reality of the modern world, which is multiphonic, skeptical, but also longing for deep meaning.”
A riverflow — I can’t help thinking of the hike I took a couple of years ago with dear friends along a river that ran through Tuolumne Meadows in the High Sierra. It was one of those beautiful days.
Phil Cousineau is the author of The Art of Pilgrimage and the host of Global Spirit, seen nationally on PBS and Link TV. The show resumes in May.
Wrestling with God: Stories of Doubt and Faith, by Barbara Falconer Newhall, Patheos Press, 2015, $14.99 paper, $7.99 ebook.Available wherever books are sold.
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